Chapter 7. CPU and Database Metrics

Table of Contents

1. Start the Agent Manually
2. Configure Metrics Manually
3. Configure Metrics Automatically
4. Monitor Metrics
5. Viewing Job Metrics Data
6. Oracle Database Metrics
7. PostgreSQL Database Metrics

By default HammerDB metrics displays the CPU utilisation per core across the target system. HammerDB has also introduced a database metrics display for the Oracle and PostgreSQL Databases based on their Active Session History feature. HammerDB Metrics uses an agent and display configuration meaning that the agent must be installed on the SUT. This can be accomplished by installing HammerDB on the SUT as well as the server. When HammerDB is run on the SUT HammerDB v4.11 introduces functionality to start the agent and display at the same time. On Linux the sysstat package must be pre-installed where the agent is running. An agent on Linux can can communicate with the HammerDB display running on Windows and vice versa.

$ mpstat -V
sysstat version 11.5.7
(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat <at>

On Windows a version of mpstat is included with HammerDB.